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EternalWorddotorg Youtube Powerful Prayers

Father God, I am a sinner and I need to be saved from my sins.  You said in Your Holy Word of Romans 10:9; that if we confess the Lord our God, and believe in our hearts that You Heavenly Father, raised out  Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
So I now confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you Jesus as my Lord, God and Savior.
I here and now repent for my sins, and believe in my Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only begotten Son of God. I believe that Jesus died for me, as my substitute, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. Thank you Father God for sending Your Holy Son, paying my debt in full. My Lord, even though I was separated from You by my sins, You saw me helpless and fallen, and loved me enough to even die for me. I believe that you my Lord Jesus suffered the penalty of my sins, and paid the full price to clear my debt. Your Word declares that your Precious divine holy blood pays for all of my sins. Because You suffered my penalty, I am now free. No sin remains to condemn me. I'm no longer guilty before You. I believe the good news of the Cross, and Your promise of Acts 2:21 declaring that "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Only you my Lord Jesus are able to save me from Hell, and give me Eternal Life. Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is your Son, and that You Father God raised his mortal body from the dead. I do now with my heart, accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, in Jesus name. Thank you my Lord Jesus for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe in You Jesus, and your holy word, come into me Lord Jesus, and be my Savior and God.
My Lord Jesus please come into my heart, and change me from a sinner to a Child of God. Teach me your ways my Lord, Lead me to a good church and good bible believing friends that will help me, and encourage me in your holy Word. Please write my name in your book of Life, and never blot it out, but fill me with the Holy Spirit and seal my salvation for all Eternity, in the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ.
My Lord Jesus, today I accept Your gift of love, peace and eternal life. I declare by faith that Jesus now lives in me, as Galatians 4:6 states; “Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son [Jesus] into our hearts, crying "Abba, Father." So I am a new creation in Jesus Christ my Lord, born again of God with the life of Jesus in me. I declare the divine holy blood of my Lord Jesus blots out every sin from my life in Jesus name. My record is clean by your mercy. According to Your holy Word, I am now forgiven; I am now saved in my Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you my Lord Jesus for dying for me, and giving me eternal life.  I pray all of these in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

(The Book of Life contains the names of those who have been spiritually converted to Christ, and who have dedicated their lives to the service of God)

Powerful Prayers

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