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EternalWorddotorg Youtube Powerful Prayers

Father God, in the name of your holy divine son, my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and by the power of his holy divine blood, I bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it.  Through the holy blood of the Lamb of God, I destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer, and all other powers of darkness, in my Lord Jesus name. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I break and destroy my enemies evil powers and their works; including the influences of witchcraft, spells, hexes, vexes, voodo, hoodo, roots, potions, or any such things off me, my life, my family, my home, my possessions and all future generations, in my Lord Jesus name. Through the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I also rebuke, bind up and destroy all the spirit-guides, helps, and shields of these workers of evil, and leave them without any strength, stripped of their evil powers and influence, in my Lord Jesus name.
In the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind kings, princes, and evil world rulers. I strip each evil spirit, and his hierarchy of power, armor and rank, and separate each from the other. I put confusion to the ranks of the enemy, and declare their assignments against me, my life, my family, and my possessions are hereby rendered null, and void in my Lord Jesus name. In the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind and terminate the influence and power of all spirits from the netherworld, evil
spirits between, over and around those praying and those prayed for, and all evil and familiar spirits are completely bound, and forbidden to manifest in the name of my Lord God Jesus Christ.
In the mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the divine power of his holy blood, I bind, break and destroy the power of all curses spoken, all rituals or sacrifices, all divination, spells, incantations, meditations, all sorcery and magic, and all kind of evil ceremony, and any medium with evil purposes. In the name of my Lord Jesus, I plead the precious divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ; over myself and my family, my home, and everything that belongs to us. Father God, in my Lord Jesus Christ name; please send your warrior holy Angels to surround and protect us. In the mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood; I break down, demolish, destroy, and blow up all walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, Satanists and the like, and I break and destroy the power of all curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, physic prayers, physic thought, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, all mind control, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, physic power, physic warfare, prayer chains, and everything else being sent my way, my life, my home, my family members way, and my possessions.
By the holy divine blood of my Lord Jesus, and by his mighty name, my Lord God Jesus Christ, I command to all evil spirits, and the works that evil beings have done on my life and my family; to be reversed now, be gone, get out of my life and my family, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord Jesus name.  Father God, I pray that these lost souls that have attacked me and my family, will find the light of your son Jesus... In the name of my Lord God Jesus
Christ of Nazareth; I now loose them from all mind control of Satan!..  Heavenly Father; I also ask that you please send your Holy Spirit to their hearts as a guide to your son Jesus.. So they may be set free from the bondages of Satan, in my Lord Jesus name.
In the name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, and by the divine power of his holy blood, I bind, terminate and destroy, all powers, influence and evil works of all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places, thrones, dominions, world rulers, strong men, and all kind of evil spirits exerting influence over me, my family, my home and my possessions, and I forbid them to operate against me, my home, my family and my possessions.  In the Mighty name of my Lord God Jesus
Christ, and by the power of his divine holy blood, I bind, break and destroy all witchcraft, witchcraft control, mind-binding spirits, spirits that block and bind the will, spirits of mind control; destruction, lust, perversion, intimidation, rebellion, rejection, schizophrenia, paranoia, anger, hatred, wrath and rage, resentment, bitterness,  unforgiveness, slander, unteachableness, deception, doubt and unbelief, passivity, pride, false humility, panic attacks, and any kind of evil spirits to reverse all their evil works that they have done on me, my life, my family, my home and my possessions in my Lord God Jesus name, and be gone out of my life, my home and my family, go to
the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord Jesus name. I pray all of these in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

Powerful Prayers

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