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EternalWorddotorg YouTube Channel

(Going to bed at night to sleep, is the time when we are more vulnerable to many kind of attacks. It is key that we shield ourselves in order to avoid any damages that could deteriorate our mind, body and spirit. Sleeping paralysis and having the sensation that something is above us making pressure against our chest causing difficulties to brief is only one of them. The list of attacks is long....)

Father God, I come before you in prayer. I enter into your gates with thanksgiving, and enter into your courts with praise. I praise you because you are worthy, holy, righteous, and just. I plead the blood of my lord and savior Jesus Christ over myself, my dwelling place, my spouse, my children, my car, my finances, and everything under my stewardship. I pray that your heavenly hosts, your angels, would guard my dwelling place round about, both above and below. I will say of my Lord God Jesus that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank you that you set a hedge of protection round about me, and that no plague will come near my dwelling. In the mighty name of my lord God Jesus Christ I command every curse, hex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art, or other form of weaponized demonic activity that have been sent against me, all these evil be gone now, depart from me and go into the abyss to never return. Moreover, I pray that every evil spirit, fallen angelic spirit, or otherwise malevolent spirit, attempting to come against me or my household, would be apprehended by your heavenly hosts, such that they cannot so much as set foot upon this property. I pray that they would be escorted out to wherever my Lord God Jesus sends them, that they would know that Jesus is Lord. Furthermore, I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind to mind communication, dream manipulation, and all other forms of psychic, and telepathic intrusion in the name of my lord God Jesus Christ. I thank you that all of my dreams are inspired by your Holy Spirit. I declare that my sleep will be sweet, uninterrupted, and that upon waking I will be well rested In the name of my lord God Jesus. I also put on the armor of God. I take up the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, I declare that my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and I take up the shield of faith, to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

