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My Lord Jesus, through the power of your holy name and holy blood, I now resist all forms of sin, sickness and disease. I say to all forms of sickness and disease caused by any means, that you are not God’s good and perfect will for my life, and I enforce the power and authority of Jesus’ name upon you right now. By the shed blood of my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command all forms of sickness and disease, to leave my presence immediately in Jesus name. My Lord Jesus bore my infirmities. He was wounded for my transgressions. By his stripes I have been healed. No sickness, pain, death, fear or addiction shall ever be lord over me again, in Jesus name. The penalty has been paid in full. I have been ransomed and redeemed, sanctified and set free in the name of Jesus.
Satan, in the name and authority of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I bind you and all the forces of evil, and I make You powerless to operate against me in any way. Sickness, disease, infirmity, and pain, I command you to loose me and let me go free, in Jesus’ name. I command every organ, tissue, and cell of my body to come into line with the Word of God, and with the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, and be healed and made whole in Jesus’ name.
Lord God Jesus, you have called all of your disciples to follow your example. You have given us power over all the works of the enemy, and sent us forth to make disciples of all nations. In the healing tradition of the church, and through my obedience to your written Word, I hereby take authority over all forms of sickness and disease, that have been attacking my health in Jesus name.
In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, under the power and authority of the Lord God Almighty, I command all forms of demonic illness to leave my body now, and go straight to the feet of Jesus Christ. Your assignment and influences are over in Jesus name. I rebuke all pain, and I command it to get out of my body right now, in the name of Jesus. I rebuke all spirits of infirmity, nerve disorder, lung disorder, brain disorder, heart disease, AIDS, cancer, hypochondria, fatigue, anorexia, leukemia, arthritis, tumors, abnormal growths, diabetes and all other forms of sickness to leave my body now, in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for your healing power. I ask you to send forth your ministering, medical and surgical holy angels, to repair and restore any damage that was caused in my body by the presence of sin, sickness or demonically influenced infirmities. Father God, please send forth your Holy Spirit and fill me with your love, light, peace and joy. Come Holy Spirit and transform me into the child of God that you intended me to be. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

