Powerful Prayer Against Temptation (To Overcome Temptation)

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EternalWorddotorg YouTube Channel

Father God, how often I have offended You, repented, and yet have I again fallen into the same sin. O my Lord Jesus Christ, I wish to amend, and in order to be faithful to You, I will place all my confidence in You. I will, whenever I am tempted, instantly have recourse to You. Until now, I have trusted in my own promises and resolutions, and have neglected to recommend myself to You in my temptations. This has been the cause of my repeated failures. From this day forward, be You, O Lord Jesus, my strength, and this shall I be able to do all things, because it is written, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” Please help me to recognize when temptation is knocking at my door, and enable me to act immediately, so as to resist its influence and gain the victory, which only comes through Christ. Help me not only to recognize temptation, but to capture each and every tempting thought as it enters my mind, and to hand it over to You in prayer and praise in Jesus name, and knowing that Your grace is sufficient to meet every temptation, when I am yielded to You. Help me in my weakness to know You as my strength, and help me in my foolishness to know You as my wisdom. Help me to resist all forms of temptation, and give me the strength to say no and walk away from temptation, especially when there are others involved, who directly or indirectly, willingly or unknowingly are encouraging my downfall. And deliver me my Lord from habits that are entrapping and enslaving me, in actions that are detrimental to my spiritual health and walk. My Lord Jesus Yeshua, the battle against temptations is strong, I struggle at times to fight it. Please give me strength to walk away from the evil that tries to lure me in. Father God, cleanse my mind, body and soul of anything that is not pleasing to You. Help me to follow in the footsteps of my Lord Jesus Christ, and keep me pure and holy for my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Lord You know the areas of my vulnerabilities, and You know when and how I will be tempted today and in the days that lie ahead, and Lord Jesus, although I know that I must make the choice not to succumb to temptation, I do ask that you would prompt me to flee temptation, and to walk in the light of your glorious gospel of truth. Replace the thoughts that tempt and tease with those that turn my focus on you my Lord Jesus, and help me in all things and learn to say Thy will not mine be done, in Jesus name. My Lord God Jesus, I confess that I am weak to resist the temptations that come across my ways. I bow before You in all humility and with a contrite heart. Grant me Your strength, mercy and grace to overcome the temptation of this world. Please take full control of my wandering thoughts. Let me look up to You alone and derive strength from You. Protect me and keep me away from satanic snares. I lean upon You because You alone can keep me from stumbling and preserve me clean. Come and reside in my whole being my Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, for my body is Your temple. Cleanse me from all evil thoughts, and let Your holy blood cover my entire body and being, in Jesus name. Thank You for strengthening me O Lord! Let Your Still Small voice direct me in the path of righteousness. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

