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EternalWorddotorg YouTube Channel

Father God, I kindly ask you to please forgive all my sins, especially those, that have granted open doors for evil spirits to enter in my life, I repent of all my sins. I am very sorry for all my faults, and sins committed against you, my God, and against your creation, in my Lord Jesus name. My Lord God Jesus, please forgive me, I am very sorry, please cleanse my body, mind and heart, soul and spirit, my whole life, family, home and possessions, I give you my heart, and my whole life to you, my Lord God Jesus, you are my savior, my Christ, my messiah, my God and my Lord, please take absolute control of me, and my life, in my Lord Jesus name.
Now. whatever are the legal rights that evil spirits, have been using to invade my life, I cancel those rights in my Lord God Jesus Christ name, and I destroy them, by the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, and by his mighty name, in my Lord Jesus name.
Father God, please let me know, by putting in my thoughts all the unholy objects, that have opened doors for evil spirits into my life, such as any statues receiving praise, tarot cards, ouija board, as well as any objects used in divination, satanic rock music, horror movies, objects used in rituals and ceremonies, objects providing legal rights, for evil beings to invade my life, please bring these unholy objects in my mind, so that I can destroy them, and get rid of them, in my Lord Jesus name.
Now. by the almighty absolute power, and divine authority of my Lord God Jesus Christ name, I make weak all evil spirits working on my life, family, home and possessions, I confuse their ranks, and terminate all help given to them. I command all evil spirits, evil entities, sickness, spells, and all kind of evil, to leave me now for once at all, leave my life, family, home and possessions, go to the abyss, never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord God Jesus Christ name.
By the most holy, divine and powerful name, the name above all names, in the name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, I close every one, and all, open doors, that evil spirits have been using to enter into my life, family, home and possessions, I seal them with the divine, holy and powerful blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
I plead the divine holy blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ over me, my life, family, home and possessions, in my Lord Jesus name.
Father God, please send your holy angels to make sure, that all evil spirits have departed to the abyss as commanded, and please seal my home to be holy, to live in holiness, in my Lord Jesus name. I thank you my holy divine Father God, my Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your help, your protection, and for all the goodness you kindly provide us with.
I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.


