Prayer to Remove Witchcraft and Curses (Powerful)

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EternalWorddotorg YouTube Channel

Father God, today I am in your holy presence to kindly ask you for your help, my life has been constantly receiving witchcraft attacks in several ways, affecting my home and family. Please my Holy Great One Father God, I am requesting for you divine support, to get rid of the power of darkness affecting my life, I can feel that my home's atmosphere is not the same as it used to be, there are corners and places inside my home, where the temperature is extremely low, below normal. my dreams became disturbing, there is an absence of complete peace in my home, my health has deteriorated, my finances have been decreasing, my job place atmosphere is not the same as before, my pets are acting strange, and scared at the same time, sometimes I can feel that something is watching me, there are some places in my home that I am not feeling comfortable anymore, I feel distant from people, it has become rarely for me to smile frequently, much less to feel happiness, it is difficult for me to concentrate, and the list goes on and on.

So my Lord of Hosts, I do know, that I am being attacked by the enemy, that's why today, I formally request for your mighty help and assistance. So in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, I kindly ask you to please send your holy angels, to arrest and drive away, all evil powers present in my life, property, home and family. My Lord God Jesus, please cleanse my whole being, my property and belongings, home and family. My Holy Lord, please send your Mighty Holy Spirit to make my life and home full of the Holy Spirit of God. My Divine Lord Jesus, I give you my life, home and family to you, I give you total control of my life, make your holy will be done in my life, and not my sinful will, in my Lord Jesus name. My Almighty Lord Jesus, please bring your holy peace into my life, home and family, make the majesty of your divine holy presence, be permanent in my life and home, in my Lord Jesus name.

My Lord of Hosts, I do know, your mighty power, the power of your holy word, as well as the power of your mighty divine holy blood, and I do know, that you have made possible for us, to use your divine power and authority, as it is written in Philippians 2:10 to 12, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth", and in Matthew 16:19, "and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven", and that you, my Holy Lord, will give us anything we ask in your mighty name, as it is written in John 14:13 to 14, "and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son”. So today, In the name above all names, I take authority in my Lord God Jesus Christ of Nazareth name, in Yeshua hamashiac name, and by the power of his divine mighty holy blood, I make null, invalid, and terminate all kind of occultism, sorcery, spells, incantations, rituals, invocations, divination, black magic, black arts, occult science, wizardry, voodo, white magic, hexes, curses, and all kind of evil and malefic wrongdoings, in my Lord God Jesus name. In the divine mighty name of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I make weak all demons, evil spirits, evil entities, and all power of darkness present in my life, home and family, I put confusion among their evil ranks, I bind them all, and I stop and terminate all help, that these malefic powers have been receiving, in my Lord God Jesus name.

Now, in the powerful divine holy name of my Lord God Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I bind the main chief strongman demon, in charge of attacking my life, home and family, and I command him, and all his demons, all kind of evil spirits and malefic powers, to depart from me, and from my home and family, abandon our lives, leave us for once at all, go to the abyss and never return, and do not send reinforcements, in my Lord God Jesus Christ name, Yeshua Hamashiach.

In my Lord Jesus holy name, I place a wall of holy fire in all my property lines, including the space under and above my property. My Almighty Father God, please send your warrior holy angels, to make sure that all the power of darkness have departed from us, in my Lord Jesus name. Now, I plead the divine mighty holy blood of my Lord God Jesus, to protect and cover my body, soul and spirit, mind and thoughts, heart and feelings, my whole being and life, my property and belongings, and my home and family, in my Lord God Jesus name, and I invite the divine holy presence of the Holy Spirit of God, into my life, home and family, in my Lord Jesus name. Thank you so much my Almighty Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, for all your love, protection, forgiveness and mercy. I pray all of these in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, amen.

