Prayer to Stop my Bad Habits Bondage - EternalWorddotorg Youtube

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Father God, today I come to your holy presence to kindly ask for your help, I do not want to continue being the same, carrying my old sinful bad habits, keeping me in bondage. I do want to be a truly child of yours, and I know that only the true children of God are those who overcome the sins of the flesh, as Galatians 5:24 declares: "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." Meaning that the ones that have not crucified their flesh, do not belong to you my Lord. My holy Father God, how many times you have mentioned in your word: "be holy because I am holy", and I continue living in sin. Please Father God, help me to stop my bad habits, do not allow my soul to continue in bondage because of my sinful habits, I humbly cry to you, I do not want to lose my soul, and be separated from you forever, as Romans 6:23 states: "For the wages of sin is death". Your holy word declares that most of people lose their souls because of sins, as Matthew 7:13 declares: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." I know that at the end of the day, the bad sinful habits are the ones that drag the souls into hell. Father God, having this big truth before my eyes, I beg you, please help me, help me to overcome my bad habits, in my Lord Jesus name. Please put the exact thoughts in my mind to battle my temptations, and put the exact feelings in my heart to battle my bad habits. Please Father God I beg you, help me to fortify my will against temptations and bad habits, please do not let me succumb before the enemies of my soul. Oh my Holy Father God, I do not want to lose my soul, I beg you and cry to you, as Jacob did in old times, as Abraham did, as Isaiah did, as Job did, and as Paul did. My Lord God Jesus, you are my Savior, you are my Messiah, you are my Christ, you are my God, you are my Lord, I put in your holy hands my bad habits, my temptations, my battles with the enemies of my soul, as well as my life and my salvation. Please my holy Lord God Jesus, fight the battles for my soul, and destroy the bondage that my enemies  put into my life, I thank you my Lord for everything that you have been doing in my life. My Lord Jesus, please cleanse my heart and mind, my soul and spirit, my body and whole being, family, home and possessions, in my Lord Jesus name. My Lord God Jesus Christ, I invite you to enter in my heart and live in me, in my lord Jesus name. Father God, please send your Holy Spirit to live inside of me, in my Lord Jesus name. Please send your holy angels to destroy the work of the devil in my life, home, family and possessions, in my Lord Jesus name.
Now, by the power and authority of my Lord God Jesus Christ, I command all evil spirits, evil entities, demons, sickness, spells, and everything that belongs to you Satan, to get out of me, get out of my life, get out of my family, get out of my home and possessions, in my Lord God Jesus name. The divine holy powerful mighty blood of my Lord God Jesus Christ is against you Satan, and everything that belongs to you, in my Lord Jesus name, and I plead the holy divine blood of my Lord God Jesus into my life, to cover my body, mind, thoughts, heart, feelings, behavior, spirit and soul, my whole being and family, home and possessions, in my Lord God Jesus name. Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for your mercy, help and protection. I pray all of these in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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